Privacy Policy


If you are an agent using Agent House to power your business, we collect and use your personal information to provide you with the use of our platform and its services, and generally to help you better manage your business and your relationship with your customers. If you have any questions or concerns in relation to this Privacy Notice you can contact our Data Protection Officer at or by writing to the Data Protection Officer, Agent House Limited, 30 St. Mary Axe, London, England, EC3A 8BF.

What information we collect about you and why?

We collect personal information when you sign up for Agent House, when you use our platform, or when you otherwise provide us information. We may also use third party service providers (like idenfy) to help us review accounts for fraud or other concerns. In general, we need this information for you to be able to use our platform.

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We also work with companies that provide us with information about agents or prospective agents (for example, to protect against fraud or if we’re sponsoring an event).


When and why we share your information with others?

Running a business is hard, and we work with a variety of companies to help us provide you with a range of services to help you support your business. We sometimes share your personal information with these companies to help us provide you with Agent House services. We also share your personal information with others:

  • to prevent or investigate suspected fraud, threats to physical safety, illegal activity, or violations of a contract (like our Terms of Service) or our policies (like our Acceptable Use Policy);
  • to help us conduct marketing and advertising;
  • to comply with legal requirements, or to respond to court orders, or other similar government demands;
  • if we merge with or are acquired by another company.

Additionally, almost every agent using the Agent House platform also uses non-Agent House services to support their business (for example, apps from our app store, marketing channels, payment gateways, or property management providers). Agent House doesn’t control how these services use your personal information, and you should review any other service you use to make sure it meets your privacy expectations. When you choose to use non-Agent House services, we tell you what information we will share with that service at your direction, so you can decide whether you want to use the service. You can review what access any app has to your information or your store’s information on the “App Details” page in the Agent House admin.

Your rights over your information

We believe that you should be able to access and control your own personal information no matter where you live. You can access and correct a lot of your personal information directly through the Agent House admin. For information you are not able to access or correct directly within the Agent House admin, please email us at


Because we need your personal information to provide Agent House services, we generally keep your personal information while you use Agent House products or services. We then retain your information before we begin our process to anonymize your personal information. We don’t do this immediately in case you reactivate your account, or if there is a legal complaint or audit relating to your business. Your information will be automatically erased a short time after closing your agency. If you have questions about this process, please contact our Support team. Please keep in mind that after we anonymise your personal information, we may continue to use non-identifiable information to improve our services.


Your customers’ information

In order to power your business, we collect and use personal information about your customers. In general, we only collect and use this personal information as directed by you, and as further described in our Data Processing Addendum. Legally speaking, we are a “data processor” and a “service provider” as these terms are used in European privacy law. We will never use your customers’ information to independently market or advertise.



We reserve the right to make changes to our Privacy Policy from time to time for any reason. Such changes, modifications, additions or deletions shall be effective immediately upon posting, unless otherwise indicated. We have no duty or obligation to inform prior visitors that changes have been made, regardless of the scope and importance of the changes. We encourage you to periodically check back and review this Privacy Policy so that you always will know what information we collect, how we use it and to whom we disclose it. Your continued use of the Site after such changes are posted will be deemed to constitute your agreement to and acceptance of such changes.